Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

Le Tip Le News

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. We were joined by guests representing the categories of Flooring Contractor and Home Automation. Both guests were voted on at the meeting and will be joining as new members. More information about them and their businesses will be available soon!

Our showboater was Tony Latino (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) of Tony's Chimney Care. He displayed photos of various materials that he uses for stucco and chimney work. We also got to see a bag that he uses to pipe mortar when he is doing pointing. The bag helps him to be more direct in the mortar placement for a neater final appearance.

Our speaker was Frank Grube, our Remodeling Contractor from Clearview Home Solutions (www.clearviewhomesolutions.com). Frank can provide his customers with windows, doors, and siding. His talk focused on windows. Frank sells only high-quality windows. His vinyl windows contain between 80 and 85 percent virgin vinyl; he also offers composite windows. Frank recommends two or three panes of glass with either argon or krypton gas between the panes. The inert gas between the panes prevents heat loss through the windows and is represented in a value called the U-factor. Frank recommends purchasing windows with a U-factor of 0.25 or below, with the lower numbers being better. In addition to preventing heat loss in the cold weather, it is also advisable to prevent solar heat gain during the warmer weather. Solar heat gain (additional heat in a building because of the sunlight shining through the windows) is reduced with a low-E coating on the windows. Frank is happy to discuss window options and to perform an in-home demonstration of how the different window qualities actually feel when heat is applied. He is not just a salesman; he is also an educator. Please contact him for a consultation.

LeTip met on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Exton, PA. We were joined by guests representing a company that provides flooring products.

Our showboater was Dave Kozak (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), our property and casualty insurance broker. He reminded us of the importance of having adequate coverage for all of the "what ifs" in life. Dave and his employees can ask all the right questions to make sure that you have the insurance products and coverage that you need.

Our speaker was Glen Coral (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), our life insurance specialist. Glen informed us that life insurance can cover many different expenses, some while the policy holder is still alive. There are approximately 95 million Americans who have no life insurance at all and many more who have coverage that is less than adequate. Many people are interested in acquiring long-term care coverage, and this can often be added as a rider to a life insurance policy. Glen can discuss the available options and also help to calculate how much coverage you will need based on monthly estimated expenses. You may already have some money set aside in the bank for retirement, and he can also determine how much money that will generate in a certain number of years, based on the interest rate you expect to earn. Glen is an insurance broker and can shop with different carriers. He also mentioned that life insurance can be given as a gift to children, and he can help arrange for those types of policies also.

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, October 21, 2014. We were joined by guests representing a flooring company.

Our showboater was Gary Hunter, our carpenter from Hunter Custom Carpentry (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). He displayed some materials that he has been using recently for building decks. Wooden decks can rot over time, so he may opt to use composite or PVC materials that come in different colors and/or can be painted in the desired color.

Our speaker was Lonnie Cooper, our mortgage broker from The Rate Kings Mortgage (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Lonnie told us about the importance of acquiring a mortgage pre-approval before searching for a house. The pre-approval is proof of your financial backing and will give "teeth" to an offer that you make on a home. Many realtors will not take you to look at a house without a pre-approval, and many sellers will automatically disregard and offer that you make on their house if you lack this financial backing. There is a loan application on Lonnie's website (www.theratekings.com) to get the process started. The general rule for pre-approval is that your total debt can't exceed 45% of your monthly income. A mortgage calculator will figure out what the monthly payment would be for the loan amount you need (house price minus your down payment amount). Lonnie can help with any or all of this process, and if you are able to qualify for the pre-approval, he can generally offer a lower rate than other mortgage companies, banks, or credit unions. He may also be able to offer a slightly higher rate than his usual rate for the loan but then cover all the closing costs. It may be attractive to a buyer to pay a bit more for the monthly mortgage payments in exchange for the elimination of additional costs at closing. Contact Lonnie to discuss options for home purchases or mortgage refinancing. He is The King, but he'll treat YOU like royalty!

Chester County Website Designer
LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. Our showboater was Dan Harris, our accountant (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). He had copies of financial tracking worksheets and also the latest copy of the tax codes. We are thankful that he keeps track of all the new tax laws and don't have to wade through that book ourselves!
Our speaker was our website desginer, Greg Cazillo (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). One of the most important things to keep in mind with website design is that people will view a site on many different sized screens, and a site will ideally be responsive to each screen size. The site may look a little different in the mobile version, but all of the components will be there and easily viewable. Greg can design a site from scratch, but he can also help to improve sites that he did not originally design. He can add an option for site visitors to RSVP for events or fill out a contact form. He can optimize a site for viewing on multiple devices. He can also work with your site to allow you to modify your own site by adding articles or updating information. Greg recommends that you not get too fancy with colors and designs when adding text; your colorful text may be difficult to read and can appear unprofessional. Consult with Greg for design ideas and implementation for any website, visit his website at http://cazillo.com/home/website-design.html 

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, October 7, 2014. Our speaker for the morning was our Interior Designer, Theresa Barlow from A Perfect View (www.APerfectViewInteriors.com). There are many benefits to hiring Theresa for help with interior design. She shared details from one of her recent jobs, and she was able to save the client thousands of dollars. The client did not have a good understanding of the size of her living room, and she had planned to buy new furniture that would not have fit into the space. Theresa was able to make a new drawing of the room with furniture that fit. Theresa will be ordering furniture with custom fabric for this particular client, because the room will be used by guests as well as several pets. The furniture fabric is both attractive and resilient, to meet all of the client's needs. Theresa is happy to assist with redesigning whole rooms, or she can consult regarding window treatments or color schemes. Her main concern is to help the client to achieve their goals with both form and function in mind, also staying within their budget. Contact her to help with your "Perfect View."

Random Member!

Cody Connelly - Property & Casualty Insurance

Cody Connelly - Property & Casualty Insurance
Paradigm Insurance Agency
LeTip Member Since December 2022
120 Arrandale Blvd, Exton, PA 19341
Send Cody an Email

Our agency has years of experience in the business and can solve all of your protection needs.

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."