Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map


  1. To receive qualified business leads.
  2. To obtain access to clients you would not otherwise be able to contact.
  3. To identify yourself and your service or product at each meeting.
  4. To display your product or service on a predetermined schedule.
  5. No conflict of interest - once you've joined, your competition can't.
  6. Meetings begin on time and end on time, are brief and to the point.
  7. Every member must be pre-qualified and voted in.
  8. The LeTip Program really works!
It is the best way to keep fellow members thinking about how to tip another member, the best way of introducing news about our businesses, and to keep everyone up to date as to how we are changing.
LeTip CCE works on the premise of warm leads. Our members actively work to get a good referral and grow the others' business. LeTip CCE records and tracks how many tips were passed, who received them and who passed them. This helps us to concentrate on ALL members growth. It also helps to keep the standards and integrity high, so referrals have a great possibilty of putting Dollars in Our Pockets!
Average sales vary depending upon your business and how many "power partners" you have in our group. If we have had your category in our group in the past, you can email our Tip Master (link to Scott Darling) to find out what he or she made.
Tipping is always a concern of new members but the actual process becomes a natural habit as you get to know our members better. We require that you pass a minimum of 4 tips per month and the best way to do that is to reach out and visit each member as soon as possible. Once you understand each member's product or service offered and know the added value they bring to their clients, it's so much easier for you to identify people you know who may need their services...AND WE HELP YOU TO REFER US. Just like you will teach us how best to find clients for YOU, we will teach you on how to tip us! In LeTip, we are each others' sales force and we take that role seriously.
A great question! There are a few factors that will determine your profitability in LeTip. Depending upon the category of your business you are in, you could see results in the first week. For example, if you had a gift basket business, more than likely you would receive tips (leads) almost every week. On the other hand, if you had an automotive collision repair center, it may take some time before you get your first tip.

Another factor that could help you in your assimilation to LeTip would be to make sure you visit each and every member within the first month or two and let them get to know you and your business. Discuss with them what a good tip for you would be and how to find those tips. If you put in just a little bit of effort consistently, you will reap the benefits a lot sooner. The byproduct of all of this is the fact that you'll be building great relationships that far surpass your time in LeTip.
An alternate may attend up to six meetings per year, but no more than two consecutive meetings. An alternate must be a qualified substitute who works in the member's company.
To maintain membership, four Tips per month are required. The real question is: How much business do you really want? Members are rewarded according to their ability to help others.
It's simple... the more you Tip, the more Tips you get.
No, but loyalty between members is the reason why the best chapters are so overwhelmingly successful. Keep in mind, your fellow LeTip members are your best source of referrals, as you are theirs. Those who support their sales force will be supported in return.
Each guest is required to attend two consecutive meetings before an application can be accepted. An inspection of an applicant's place of business is a requirement of acceptance.
A qualified guest is a person whose occupation is not currently represented in the chapter, and if permitted to join, would not present a conflict of interest for any member.
Each week, a business card from the previous week's Speaker is secretly taped to the underside of any chair. The member who sits in that chair is required to give a serious commercial as if they were that Speaker. This little exercise reinforces the importance of listening to, and being focused on, each week's Speaker. (If the card is taped to a guest's seat, it is passed until it reaches a member).
The Lunch Bunch is a group of about 5 members who meet twice a month over lunch for the purpose of becoming better business acquaintances.  During the following week, a Lunch Bunch Report is given to the other members.
The Poker Folder is a game used to encourage White & Green Badge members to bring a qualified guest to a meeting. The member who "holds' the Poker Folder and brings a guest, takes $10 out of the Tip bucket. If the holder does not bring a guest, they drop $10 into the Tip bucket, keep the Poker Folder for one more week and repeat the process. No member may hold the Poker
Members are asked to directly address the member with whom they have a conflict. Most of the time, this will resolve the situation. If the problem persists, the members should contact their Ethics Chair for confidential assistance.  The Ethics Chair will use specific guidelines, set by LeTip International, to resolve the issue.
Members earn badge upgrades by sponsoring new members into any chapter. Sponsoring 3 new members will earn a Blue Badge, 10 earn Silver, 25 earn Gold, and fifty earn Platinum. Once you reach Gold status, you become a lifetime member and no longer pay LeTip International renewal fees, just your quarterly chapter dues.
Reminders & Rewards are monetary motivators which are utilized to strengthen the professionalism and effectiveness
of LeTip chapter meetings. Rewards are paid out to members who have met 5'er Day or other special LeTip requirements. Reminders foster member accountability. For example, if a member has forgotten to wear a lapel pin, has not passed Tips or followed other program obligations, they drop small monetary offerings (Reminders)into the Tip bucket for eventual deposit into the chapter treasury. This money is then used to finance and promote the chapter, and payout Rewards, too.
Yes, at each meeting, every member receives 30 seconds to pass Tips, drop Reminders in the Tip bucket, and give commercials about their business. We begin by informing our fellow members: "The best way to Tip me is..."
There is an initial membership fee for LeTip International, Inc., which is separate from your local chapter's dues. The Board of Directors establishes the chapter dues based on operational costs. There are no paid positions or profits involved at the chapter level. Refer to your Membership Chairperson for complete information about local chapter dues and membership fees.
Most chapters collect dues on a quarterly basis.
The Membership Chair and your sponsor will call you the day you are voted into the chapter. A letter will follow from Kim Marie Branch-Pettid, LeTip International's CEO, to formally welcome you to our LeTip family.
The chapter's Program Chair sets the following rotation: first week as the Showboater, second week as the Official Greeter and third week as the Speaker.
Showboating allows members to properly exhibit their business literature, their products or services. Showboat displays must be set up by 7:01a.m., sharp. Making a genuine effort as a Showboater will have an enormous impact on the amount of qualified Tips received from fellow members.
Ten minutes are allotted for chapters with up to twenty members. Most Speakers receive an above average amount of Tips that week.
At the first meeting of the month, members are assigned to visit another member's place of business to learn about their business. During the third meeting of the month, the visiting member will give a commercial for the host member's business. If there was no visitation, the visiting member must give $5 to the non-visited member.
The Vice President tracks attendance and is the person to contact if you must miss a meeting. Attendance is important, and you must attend at least 80% of all meetings.
Normally, this event occurs monthly, and gives members the opportunity to bring and introduce qualified guests to the chapter. Everyone should participate.
Members who bring a qualified guest are permitted to keep their $5. Members who do not bring a guest, will drop $5 into the Tip bucket.
LeTip provides each member and chapter with our proven program. This includes all the information, guidance, seminars, and leadership activities for your personal business benefit. LeTip also supplies the materials necessary for the success of your chapter: their conceptualization, creation, production, constant up-dating, printing, shipping -and the full-time professionals who are responsible for providing these materials for your benefit.
LeTip also maintains full-time Regional Directors to guide and train your chapter every step of the way. This training includes seminars for all new members and for Board Members. Our Regional Directors, marketing, and administrative executives, ensure that every chapter receives the support it requires to focus and expand its membership.
Your new member fee of $325 is paid directly to LeTip International. Another fee is paid directly to your new chapter. This fee is a minimum of $40, and varies from region to region. Additionally, members are required to pay dues throughout the year. These dues are kept in your chapter and are used to pay for your meal, business mixers and the promotion of your chapter. Each chapter sets its own fee schedule, however dues usually fall into the $125 to $150 range per quarter.
It depends on the Chapter's size. If the Chapter contains fewer than thirty members, then a minimum of three "NO" votes can permit the Chapter to deny membership. If there are more than thirty members, then a minimum of 10% of the membership (tallied from the beginning of the quarter) voting "NO" is required to permit the Chapter to deny membership.
Since LeTip only accepts one representative of any profession, it is not unusual to find your category filled. There are two options: you can ask for a search in another chapter or you can spearhead the start of a new chapter. In either case, call your Regional Director or LeTip International at 800-255-3847. We'll do all we can to help you find a chapter.
You do. The membership. LeTip teaches you how to network smarter. LeTip gives you the structure from which to grow. But it is the chapter as a whole that fuels the success of each member. Rather than just you out there selling on your own, with LeTip you have a sales force of professional business people bringing you qualified leads. Remember, referrals are made based on trust and solid relationships. That's why it is important to attend meetings and build those relationships so your chapter will get to know you, just as you'll get to know them.
Actually LeTip believes that you should be a member of both your Chamber and LeTip. Your Chamber of Commerce is good for your business and your community. The difference though between a Chamber and your LeTip Chapter is exclusivity. You "own" your category when you join LeTip and your competition is excluded from your chapter. Chambers, by their very nature, cannot exist without being inclusive.
LeTip will work for you... if you work LeTip. Just follow the program. It has worked for thousands upon thousands of business people. But to be successful in LeTip - or in any endeavor - requires perseverance and the universal understanding that you must give before you receive. There is much to be said about "All for one and one for all!"
LeTip is not a get rich fast scheme. It takes time to earn the trust of your chapter members, to become adept in the networking arena, to learn to promote yourself and your business with ease. If you expect instant reward, LeTip is not for you. If you want to build long-standing business relationships that will earn you qualified referrals for years to come, then LeTip is for you.
LeTip expects you to attend meetings because you can't build relationships if you aren't in attendance. LeTip expects you to pass, on average, one qualified referral every week. LeTip expects you to be ethical, professional and experienced in your line of work. LeTip expects you to help all your members to be successful and they are expected to do the same for you.
You can expect LeTip to provide the structure and the guidance of the LeTip program. You can expect your Regional Director or Ambassadors to train your chapter members in leadership and presentation skills. You can expect all the necessary materials to run a chapter to be provided without charge. You can expect annual training in the newest networking and chapter building techniques for your Board Members and Committee Chairs. You can expect your category to be protected. And you can expect our full time staff in our corporate office to assist you when necessary.
To put it simply, LeTip is the original. We aren't a watered down copy. We set the standard back in 1978 because we created a program to embrace both businesswomen and businessmen. We stick to the format, require our members to be committed, expect excellence and reject mediocrity. We're snappy, successful and honored by the incredibly talented and professional membership who are the true spirit of LeTip.
Most chapters collect dues on a quarterly schedule. Each chapter's Board of Directors establishes the amount for their chapter. There are NO paid positions or profits involved, only the actual costs to run the chapter.

Random Member!

Theresa Conahan - Interior Designer

Theresa A. Conahan
A Perfect View Interior Design
Contact Theresa

Theresa Barlow, owner of “A Perfect View” has a reputation for her “Timeless Design”.  She offers high quality design services to both her residential and commercial clients with attention to detail.  She loves transforming a plain space into a beautiful and functional area that suits her clients needs and lifestyles.

Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."