Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

Le Tip Le News

Vince Del Vacchio from Del Vacchio Landscape has many services, one of which is turf management. He uses a different approach than many other providers by using an organic ‘pro-biotic’ based treatment to improve the soil resulting in a healthier turf. Vince explained how topsoil in a natural undisturbed environment is alive with microbes and kinds of beneficial organisms, but typical construction methods strip away all of that good stuff and leave behind subsoil which is no good for turf. The organic products that they use boost those naturally occurring organisms which create a healthier soil and results in great looking turf. Vince tells us to think of this as a long-term approach which produces great results, not a quick hit like the typical off the shelf products or the 100% synthetic programs many other lawn care operators are providing. Contact Vince at 610-692-2422 or visit their website at http://delvacchiolandscapes.com/.


Our General Contractor is Bob Latta from Latta Kennedy Builders. He showed us some examples of custom finishes and woodworking that he puts in a home. The first example is a closet shelf that instead of just butting the corners together he has them properly jointed together and glued with custom joinery techniques. Something else he will always do is glue his joints for chair rails, moldings and cabinetry. Bob and his crews are very particular about the fit and finish on his home renovations.

Contact Bob Latta at 610-724-8589 or email Bob.

Ed MacNeill is our residential and commercial roofer. He grew up in the business with both his father and uncle being in the business. Ed walked us through the steps required to replace a roof. The first step is removing the old roofing and shingles to see if there are any issues in the plywood decking. Ed uses ice and water shield in certain areas like valleys in the roof, then add what used to be called 'tar' paper which is now a synthetic product. After that Ed puts on your shingles and ridge vent which allows your roof to breath and prevents mold and mildew. The other side of Ed's business is siding, many people prefer fiber-cement siding for their homes which Ed can offer along with vinyl siding. Contact Ed today at 61-269-1068 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

David Kozak from Paradigm Financial Group is our Financial Planner. He created his new business with multiple partners who've been in financial services for many years. The new partnership brings insurance, accounting, financial planning and college planning together under one umbrella. Signing on with Paradigm Financial allows David to see your entire financial picture, putting your money and investments into the right products to accomplish your financial goals. Contact David at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (484) 685-0961.

Scott Darling our residential realtor from Remax Action Associates in Exton PA is looking for families who would like to sell their homes. Scott is not your typical realtor who just plops a sign in the yard and prays that it sells. His process is very proactive, doing things like notifying other homeowners in the neighborhood that your home is for sale via postcards or a phone call. A large part of Scott’s marketing of your home is social media and websites & targets potential buyers who might be looking for a home like yours. Scott also recommends staging your home with a professional interior designer for the open house to make it look its best. Contact Scott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 610-594-7268.

Random Member!

Ryan Ellenberger - Pest Control

Ryan Ellenberger
Prudential Pest Solutions
128 Slater Dr
Wernersville PA 19565
Email Ryan

Ryan Ellenberger has been in the pest control industry for almost 10 years. He prides himself on professional, effective pest solutions for your home or business. 

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"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."