Vince from Del Vacchio Landscape & Garden Center highlighted their pavement cleaning and sealing services. They specialize in cleaning & sealing pavers, flagstone, brick, concrete, and retaining walls. When working with pavers they remove the joint sand from between the pavers, new joint sand is then installed, and a 2 part urethane sealer applied to lock in the sand and enhance and protect the surface of the pavers. If there are any repairs, like the edges that are falling off or sunken areas, those areas can be repaired at the same time. Most times the cleaning and sealing process takes only one day so you will be back using your patio or walkway the next day. Contact Vince today at 610-692-2422 or email Vince.
Time & Location
Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am
Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map