Vince Del Vacchio from Del Vacchio Landscape has many services, one of which is turf management. He uses a different approach than many other providers by using an organic ‘pro-biotic’ based treatment to improve the soil resulting in a healthier turf. Vince explained how topsoil in a natural undisturbed environment is alive with microbes and kinds of beneficial organisms, but typical construction methods strip away all of that good stuff and leave behind subsoil which is no good for turf. The organic products that they use boost those naturally occurring organisms which create a healthier soil and results in great looking turf. Vince tells us to think of this as a long-term approach which produces great results, not a quick hit like the typical off the shelf products or the 100% synthetic programs many other lawn care operators are providing. Contact Vince at 610-692-2422 or visit their website at