Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Paradigm Financial Group, Inc
120 Arrandale Blvd. Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

$1,772,672 generated in 2019!

LeTipCCE members passed 945 business leads (tips) in 2019, on average each of those tips was worth $1,876!

LeTip uses the term 'Dollars in Your Pocket' to describe revenue to your business that you wouldn't have generated if it weren't for your LeTip Membership. Here is a list of Dollars over the last few years.

2019 - $1,772,672

2018 - $1,271,692

2017 - $1,038,700

2016 - $942,836

2015 - $937,000

That's over $5,000,000 generated from direct or indrect leads sent by LeTip Chester County East members!

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Inclement Weather

LeTip CCE may not have our meeting because of inclement weather. If DASD (School Closing # 876) has a delay or is closed, LeTip will not meet. Please check before leaving!

Random Member!

Cody Connelly - Property & Casualty Insurance

Cody Connelly - Property & Casualty Insurance
Paradigm Insurance Agency
LeTip Member Since December 2022
120 Arrandale Blvd, Exton, PA 19341
Send Cody an Email

Our agency has years of experience in the business and can solve all of your protection needs.

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."