Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Paradigm Financial Group, Inc
120 Arrandale Blvd. Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

 LeTip Chester County East had two guests on November 12, 2013, representing the business categories of life/health/disability insurance and remodeling contractor. Frank Grube, husband of Kallee Grube from Clear View Home Solutions (www.clearviewhomesolutions.com), also visited with us. Frank and Kallee work together to provide energy efficient home improvements.

In fact, Kallee Grube was our speaker, and she brought some samples of windows, siding colors and materials, and door colors and materials so we could see the many options that Clear View Home Solutions can provide. Kallee and Frank sell home improvements materials and then work with highly skilled and credentialed installers. Kallee emphasized that her approach to sales is more consultative than many other home improvement providers. When she meets with a customer, she wants to ensure that she provides education and information, and then she is happy to let the customer have time to think and make the best decision, as opposed to using tactics to force the sale and leave with a job and payment at the end of every home visit. Kallee would prefer to have high customer satisfaction, and she feels that this is best achieved through building rapport and refusing to pressure the customer. So we can all free free to schedule a consultation and know that we will learn more adn receive help to make the best possible choice for our needs.

Our showboater was Sue Scales from Hands Down Massage & Bodywork (www.handsdown.abmp.com), and she brought samples of massage gift certificates as well as body care products that can be paired with certificates for holiday gift-giving.

Next week, November 19, will be the third Tuesday of the month and will feature our visitation reports for the month of November.

Quote for the week: "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it."--Maya Angelou


Random Member!

Lonnie Cooper - Mortgages

Lonnie Cooper - Mortgages
V.P. Sales
The Rate Kings Mortgage, LLC

LeTip Member Since July 2013
1101 Carroll Hill Dr, West Chester, Pa 19382
610-572-3635 Voice
610-590-4825 Mobile
800-892-1798 Fax
Send Lonnie an Email
NMLS #24432
Mortgages Exton PAMortgages in PennsylvaniaRate Kings Home Mortgages

As a Mortgage Broker with The Rate Kings LLC, I can offer you a wide range of mortgage products, from helping you purchase your 1st home, refinance it years later or even purchase an investment property.   With access to a broad medley of fixed and adjustable loans I can help you make an educated choice based on your individual profile.

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."