LeTip CCE is excited to host a video conference with Kim Marie Pettit, the CEO of LeTip International on March 12. This is the FIRST EVER event of it's kind, and has never been done before! Kim Marie will join LeTip CCE by video from Arizona to answer questions about LeTip, improving our chapter, and how to reinforce our sales leads. Her enthusiasm is contagious, so watch out! In a constant effort to improve our chapter for our members, Greg Cazillo, website designer and the chapter Inspector, has created this event and it promises to be a refreshing morning.
Each meeting, we are honored to have two members talk about their businesses. Scott Silberman, of KM Gardens, landscaping and design, presented a wonderful slide show of his most recent works. Located in Downingtown, they will travel to clients all over the Chester County area. Scott's wife, Kristin, is the expert in native plants, what will do well in your area, and her designs invite nature to join in. When she creates your garden, you will find year round blooms, even in winter! And the word gets out to all of nature that they can thrive. Soon your garden will see birds, butterflies, bees, aquatic animals in your ponds, and happiness that a natural environment will create. Scott is the expert in hardscaping, creating patios, steps, ponds, and walls that are stunning! Create your heaven in your backyard with KM Gardens.
Sue Scales, Hands Down Massage, is located in Downingtown. She spoke about the teamwork needed for muscles, how all muscles work, and the importance of massage to encourage those muscles to balance one's body. Are you sore from too much yardwork, a weekend of sports, or from having to sit at your desk? Chances are that only one side of the team of muscles worked hard. Sue will balance your body back to working as a team. Her studio is very peaceful, with proper feng shui, to guarantee you a prosperous visit! She will give new meaning to the word "Mmmmmm".
Quote for the week:
Commitment is a big part of what I am and what I believe. How committed are you to winning? How committed are you to being a good friend? To being trustworthy? To being successful? How committed are you to being a good father, a good teammate, a good role model? There's that moment every morning when you look in the mirror: Are you committed, or are you not?
LeBron James