Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

One month is gone for 2012.  But business is good in Lettip CCE!

Our first  speaker was Mike Dunn, Preservation Tree, showing us a short informational video of "vertical mulching", using a custom made compost formula to enrich the delicate root system of a large diseased tree.  One no longer has to just wait for a tree to die, but Mike can feed nutrients to the roots and extend the life of trees.  A wonderful service to keep all trees on your property alive and well.

SLCI, owner Dieter Enz, is the Ultimate Boutigue painting company.  Dieter is an internationallly known and globally traveled painter, whose experience spans three continents.

A specialist in space perceptions, harmony, color and design.  Dieter outlined his latest venture, the beginnings of a foundation to bring aesthetics and harmony to communities through art and color.

Next week is  our business mixer, open to anyone interested in growing their business.  Come visit, reserve your space today!

Random Member!

Bob Latta - General Contractor

Bob Latta - General Contractor
Latta Kennedy Builders
LeTip Member since August 2015
PO Box 235, Chester Springs PA 19425
Contact Bob

Bob Latta brings more than 20 years of home building experience to Latta Kennedy Builders, his Chester Springs building and remodeling partnership with Dave Kennedy. Their expertise in all facets of construction from carpentry to electric to plumbing assures that your remodeling project or full home build will delight you. Bob’s hands-on involvement with every project ensures impeccable quality, timely installation and an overall positive experience for clients.

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."