Time & Location
Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am
Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map
Le Tip Le News
LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Exton, PA. The group was joined by a guest representing the category of Banker.
Our speaker was our CPA, Dan Harris (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Dan informed us about a few of the changes to the tax code for the 2014 tax year. 2014 marked the beginning of the Affordable Care Act, which requires everyone to have health insurance or pay a penalty. Some people may qualify for a subsidy, and they will need to file a 2014 tax return even if their income level falls below the amount that would typically require someone to file. Dan also told us about a change to the rule for businesses that purchase supplies or equipment priced higher than $200. Purchases worth more than $200 now need to be capitalized rather than deducted outright during the year of purchase. It is possible to file an election, which can raise the limit from $200 to $500. 2014 may also be the last year in which taxpayers can deduct mortgage interest on their tax returns. Of course, the best way to ensure compliance with all of the changes in tax law is to hire a CPA to prepare your return, and Dan is willing to help any individual or business with their taxes. Contact him soon for 2014 tax returns.
LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Exton, PA. Our showboater was Lonnie Cooper, our mortgage broker from The Rate Kings Mortgage (www.theratekings.com). Lonnie displayed promotional items for all seasons that he uses as thank-you gifts for his clients.
Our speaker was Scott Brown, our heating and air conditioning contractor from James Brown Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning (www.jamesbrownphac.com). Scott's company received first prize for the 2014 Bosch Green Living Award, and they are quite proud of this accomplishment. Scott used his talk to share information about NAECA and regulation changes that are coming soon to try to reduce heat loss from water heaters and increase their energy efficiency. With the new regulations, water heaters that hold more than 55 gallons will no longer meet the requirements for residential use. Water heaters may need to have additional insulation, which will increase the amount of space needed to contain the unit; this could be a problem for water heaters that are currently contained in a small or difficult-to-access space. New water heaters may use an attached heat pump to increase their efficiency. Anyone with questions about compliance with the new regulations can contact Scott (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, January 20, 2015, at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Exton, PA. Our showboater was Scott Brown, our heating and air conditioning specialist from James Brown Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning (www.jamesbrownphac.com). Scott showed a few tools of his trade, including a small air flow meter that attaches to his cell phone and can record data about air flow within a dwelling or commercial space. This data will help Scott to propose climate control solutions for his customers.
Our speaker was new member Diane Lafferty, our landscaping representative from New Castle Lawn & Landscape (www.nclli.com). In 2014, New Castle celebrated 20 years in business. They perform all sorts of landscaping and hardscaping jobs as well as commercial snow removal and commercial or residential mowing. New Castle has ample crew, and they operate 18 plow trucks and five or six dump trucks. All crew members are hard-working and courteous, and they stand behind all their work with a commitment to long-term customer satisfaction. New Castle currently employs three landscape architects with the possible addition of a fourth in the summer of 2015. Diane told us that now is a good time to think about hardscaping and landscaping plans. She or another designer can draw up the plan and order materials so the work can be completed in a timely fashion once the season is right. Diane also mentioned that it makes sense to draw up a full plan, even if it may take several years to complete it all. Planning everything from the outset insures that everything will be done in a way that fits with the final design. Contact New Castle now for design needs or to make plans for mulching.
After a week off due to snow, LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, February 3, 2015, at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Exton, PA.
Our showboater was our web designer, Greg Cazillo (www.cazillo.com). He showed us two different types of videos that he produced for clients to post on their websites. Video increases traffic to a website and keeps viewers on the site longer. Greg has all the equipment necessary to film and finalize production of a video for any website.
Our speaker was our interior designer, Theresa Barlow from A Perfect View (www.APerfectViewInteriors.com). She walked us through the design process that she experienced with one of her clients. The client had already spent money on flooring and furniture for a room in her house, but she was not happy with the result. When she brought Theresa in for a consultation, she didn't want to change everything, but she wanted to be happy in her space. Theresa put together a board to show us the flooring and fabrics that the client already had in the room. Theresa recommended a few augmentations, adding some color and texture to the newly-purchased items to make them more appealing to her client without needing to replace the new items. Theresa also helped her client to accessorize the room to bring in some flow and pops of color while still pulling everything together for a cohesive and attractive final appearance. Theresa is happy to work with any client to make changes, small or large, within a budget that will make a home or office space both functional and beautiful.
LeTip Chester County East held the first meeting of 2015 on Tuesday, January 6 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Exton, PA. Our showboater was Dr. Joe Zappy, the group's chiropractor from The Wellness Center of Chester County (www.WCofCC.com). Joe showed us some of the tools he uses for treatment, including a video camera that he uses to record patients in action. Whether they are shoveling snow or engaging in sports, many of his clients engage in movement that they may not be performing in the most correct or efficient manner. Joe can record their activity and then show the recording to the client in order to point out how they can use their muscles more efficiently. Contact him for a comprehensive consultation.
Our speaker was arborist David Schreier from 4 Seasons Arborscapes (www.4seasonsarborscapes.com). The company is now in its seventh year of operation, and they have developed a long-term relationship with many of their clients. They are concerned with safety for their clients and themselves, and they can do safety assessments to determine the risk of damage due to tree limbs. Trees can be pruned at any time, but they prefer not to be pruned during times of high heat. Fruit-bearing trees are ideally pruned in January, so this would be a great time to contact David for pruning of fruit trees. Last year, many people experienced storm damage, and that can often be prevented by pruning proactively. All of their invoicing is based on 100% customer satisfaction; they will work to get the job done right. Contact David to see what sort of tree work would be best to get done right now.