Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

Le Tip Le News

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, August 12, 2014. We were joined by a guest from the Banker category.

Theresa Barlow, our Interior Designer from A Perfect View (www.APerfectViewInteriors.com), was both our showboater and speaker for the morning. Many people wonder why they should hire an interior designer. A designer can help to save you money, because you're more likely to get what you want the first time, and your designer will help you to be a smart shopper and stay within your budget. For example, Theresa showed us many shades of yellow paint. If you went to the store on your own to pick yellow paint, you may not choose the best shade to color a whole room or to give the room the feel that you're hoping for. When Theresa is helping with color selection, she can navigate through the many shades of yellow to find just the right one. Theresa will help you to define your style and lay out a road map based on your personal goals, budget and expectations. She will make sure that any window treatment you purchase are properly lined to protect the fabric from sun damage. Theresa is able to help with both interior and exterior designing. Outdoors, you may want help with shutters, a veranda, or your pool area. She wants you to enjoy your space. Theresa is also a Fabric Care Specialist who is certified to dry clean window treatments. As an aside, she gave helpful hints for bedding: wash bed sheets at least weekly, and replace pillows every six months to avoid the buildup of dust mites in your bed.

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, July 29, 2014, and we are pleased to welcome two new members: Theresa Barlow, Interior Designer with A Perfect View (www.APerfectViewInteriors.com), and Rob O'Keefe, Contractor/Builder with JMB Custom Renovations (www.JMBCustomRenovations.com). We were also joined by a guest representing the category of Plumber.

Our showboater for the morning was Tony Latino (TonyLatino60@gmail.com) from Tony's Chimney Care. Tony displayed brochures that highlight several of the products he uses, including a water sealant. Using a sealant can often prevent problems from occurring.

Glen Coral (GCoral@TurningPointWealth.com), our Life, Health, and Disability Insurance specialist, was our speaker. Glen focused on disability insurance. There are a variety of things that can be covered by a disability policy; the types and amount of coverage depend upon your occupation, what tasks are performed on the job, and whether you have employees and/or a Key Person to the operation of your business. Certain occupations benefit from carrying overhead expense coverage. Income replacement coverage is a standard feature of disability policies, and your past two to three years of income will be used to calculate how much can be paid. If there is a key contributor to the operation of the business, Key Person coverage will pay the company if this person is injured or their contribution to the company is interrupted. If you have two occupations, coverage can be tricky if one occupation is deemed to be uninsurable. Historic injuries and illnesses may also be excluded from coverage. Glen is happy to research coverage options and help you select the best plan with the most appropriate coverage for your situation.

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, July 22, 2014. We were joined by guests representing the categories of Building Contractor and Interior Design. Anthony Latino (anthony@uneekindustries.com), our computer repair specialist, provided the showboating. He sometimes has refurbished laptops available for sale, and he is happy to repair your computer or check for viruses or malware.

Dave Kozak (dkozak@chesterspringsinsurancegroup.com), our property and casualty insurance representative, was our speaker. He reminded us that anything we own has risk associated with it, and that's what insurance is for. Dave encourages all business owners to speak with an insurance professional, because, owners need to be concerned about injury to customers or employees. When conferring with an insurance agent, it is important to be as specific as possible about what your company does and how it is performed in order to make sure that the insurance coverage is appropriate. For a homeowner's policy, make sure there is enough coverage; if someone needs to go to the hospital, $100,000 will cover a maximum of two days in the hospital. For an auto policy, insure yourself for more than uninsured and underinsured motorists; don't insure other people more than yourself. For any type of policy, speaking with an insurance agent gives you the best chance of getting appropriate coverage, because an agent may ask questions that will help to give you better coverage for your needs.

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, July 15, 2014. We were please to welcome a guest representing the category of Interior Design.

Our showboater was Dave Kozak, our Property and Casualty Insurance agent. He displayed several posters showing people who had been helped by their insurance agent after various kinds of injurious and difficult events. Dave encouraged us to have an insurance agent who would be personally involved in the coverage we purchase but also in any claims we might need to file. Sometimes insurance can be found at a cheaper rate, but this is typically accompanied by a huge decrease in personal communication. If you lack this personal involvement from an agent, contact Dave and his team (dkozak@chesterspringsinsurancegroup.com).

Our speaker was Frank Grube, our home remodeling specialist from ClearView Home Solutions (www.clearviewhomesolutions.com). Frank talked a bit about his history in sales with a high pressure, hard sell, high priced company. He didn't agree with their principles and practices, so he started his own family-owned business with great products and great service. ClearView replaces windows, but they can also change the look of a room in the process. Frank relayed the story of a customer who had a single small window in a dark room. ClearView replaced that window with a larger, three-panel slider window, and it added more light and totally changed the feel of the room. ClearView offers windows, siding, and doors that are built for energy efficiency. Frank mentioned that burglars can check how many panes are in a window, and they will be deterred by a triple-paned window. Argon gas between the window panes reduces heat loss in the winter. ClearView's windows also feature a low-E coating that reduces solar heat gain in the warmer weather. Contact Frank to discuss your needs and hear about your options.

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, July 8, 2014. The group was visited by a guest representing the category of General Contractor. We are also happy to welcome our newest member, Zac Mento from Superior Custom Flooring (superiorcustomfloors@yahoo.com).

Gary Hunter (huntercarpentry@comcast.net), our carpenter contractor, was the showboater. He displayed a few samples of materials that can be used for outdoor construction, such as decks.

Sue Scales, our massage therapist (www.handsdown.abmp.com), was our speaker. She talked about how our life experiences impact our physical bodies. We often use physical language to describe things that happen to us and how we feel about them. "He's a pain in the neck." "I feel like I'm carrying the world on my shoulders." "My stomach is in knots." "She has her head in the clouds." Our experiences and emotions can manifest in physical changes, possibly muscular changes. We may not even be aware of how our bodies have reacted, but massage can help to relieve these tensions. During the time for questions, Sue also addressed questions about Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that can also help to promote healing. It can be performed by itself or in conjunction with a massage. The Reiki practitioner has their hands lightly touching or just hovering over the client, so Reiki can be safe after an injury when massage would not be allowed, for example. Sue can be contacted for further information about massage or Reiki.

Random Member!

Nicholas Froio - Landscaping

Nicholas Froio
LeTip Member Since March 2019
Froio's Lawn & Landscape
P.O. Box 5282
West Chester PA, 19380, United States
Send Nick an Email

Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."