Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, July 8, 2014. The group was visited by a guest representing the category of General Contractor. We are also happy to welcome our newest member, Zac Mento from Superior Custom Flooring (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Gary Hunter (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), our carpenter contractor, was the showboater. He displayed a few samples of materials that can be used for outdoor construction, such as decks.

Sue Scales, our massage therapist (www.handsdown.abmp.com), was our speaker. She talked about how our life experiences impact our physical bodies. We often use physical language to describe things that happen to us and how we feel about them. "He's a pain in the neck." "I feel like I'm carrying the world on my shoulders." "My stomach is in knots." "She has her head in the clouds." Our experiences and emotions can manifest in physical changes, possibly muscular changes. We may not even be aware of how our bodies have reacted, but massage can help to relieve these tensions. During the time for questions, Sue also addressed questions about Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that can also help to promote healing. It can be performed by itself or in conjunction with a massage. The Reiki practitioner has their hands lightly touching or just hovering over the client, so Reiki can be safe after an injury when massage would not be allowed, for example. Sue can be contacted for further information about massage or Reiki.

Random Member!

Clayton Kovatch - Life, Health & Disability Insurance

Clayton Kovatch - Life, Health & Disability Insurance
Paradigm Financial Group Inc
LeTip Member Since December 2016
120 Arrandale Blvd. Exton, PA 19341
Email Clay

Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."