Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Paradigm Financial Group, Inc
120 Arrandale Blvd. Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

While the MLB takes their All Star break, all of the stars are at Letip CCE, passing referrals and growing business! Do you want to be a star?

Zak Eladbideijernani from New York Life.  yes a funny name and very serious about your investments. The economic times dictate to not go for the big payout, but to be conservative and plan for the future. Zak takes it seriously how his clients can have investment growth in tough times.  its all about planning, and its never too late to start. He can work with any client who has a goal to invest in their future. 

Kevin Scaltrito, Is the other Half of New York Life, focusing on life insurance and disability. With new clients, he takes the time to walk them through their plans for the future, and reviews what they can afford. Your most valuable asset is your life, and taking measures to protect it and plan will ease your mind should life happen. Life insurance and disability insurance is his specialty.

Our Top Tippers for the month of June were President Scott Brown, and Jack Ansley. Referring people to the services of our group grows everyone's business, and it's a win/win for all involved.  Congratulations!

Our fun, motivational game of the LeTip Horserace had Jack Ansley winning by a nose! For the second quarter, all members participated in a  game to bring in new guests,  pass tips, and be rewarded for extra tasks.  The first place winner received FREE membership dues for the third quarter, second place went to Scott Brown with Half off of his membership dues, and a free dinner to Mike Dunn in third place. It was a lot of fun and we welcomed five new members!

Dont forget LeTip BAM... the biggest networking event on the East Coast!  BIG, AWESOME MIXER, is September 20th at the Wyndam Hotel, Exton, 5-8 pm.  FIVE LeTip chapters will participate, with two speakers, one being the President of LeTip International, Kim Pettit, and William Harley, Investment and motivational speaker.  Meet over 100 members and learn why it works for them!  All are welcomed, all are invited, Please RSVP.

Quote of the week: The man who has no imagination has no wings. -Muhammad Ali 

Random Member!

Ryan Ellenberger - Pest Control

Ryan Ellenberger
Prudential Pest Solutions
128 Slater Dr
Wernersville PA 19565
Email Ryan

Ryan Ellenberger has been in the pest control industry for almost 10 years. He prides himself on professional, effective pest solutions for your home or business. 

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."