Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Paradigm Financial Group, Inc
120 Arrandale Blvd. Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

Record breaking temperatures did not stop the hot tips, cool talks, and warm welcome for our guests!

Dan Wilson of Fieldhouse Wellness gave a very informative talk about the Effects of Stress on our bodies. Chronic disease is caused by stress.  Dr Dan helps to remove the interferences that stress puts on our nervous systems, and his goal is to maintain optimum health and function.

Gary Siano, Guided Wealth Management, doesn't predict the future.  He Prepares you for the future. Trends from the past can help reflect the future, and Gary's goal is to help you stretch your investments thru your retirement years.  Call Gary and ask how the potato chip industry (a comical example of wealth prediction Gary used) can reflect your future wealth.

Quote for the week: "History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats." Bertie C. Forbes

Random Member!

Ryan Ellenberger - Pest Control

Ryan Ellenberger
Prudential Pest Solutions
128 Slater Dr
Wernersville PA 19565
Email Ryan

Ryan Ellenberger has been in the pest control industry for almost 10 years. He prides himself on professional, effective pest solutions for your home or business. 

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"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."