Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Paradigm Financial Group, Inc
120 Arrandale Blvd. Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

Spring is defintiely in the air and the excitement for the Flyers seventh game had all members in a great mood!  The weather is delightful and business is good!

Our speakers were Bridget Hanley of Little Conestoga picture Framing, and Dr Dan Wilson, Chiropractor.

Bridget Hanley, Little Conestoga Picture Framing, spoke about her beginnings in the industry and how the Three C's to her success help her to achieve.  Creativity is being focused on presenting each piece of art as a single statement to her client, and bringing out the best in colors and design,it's about being different.  Sports memorabilia, and heirloom Preservation are her specialties. Customers:  repeat clients are the mainstay of the framing business.  One clients easy, but having them come back keeps the standards up.  Consistency: providng the same professional service her clients can count on every time.

Dr. Dan Wilson of Fieldhouse Wellness has a long list of credentials that qualify him as an expert in the wellness field.   Chiropractic care is not about maintaining the pain after the fact, but is an essential component to include in anyones wellness journey. A very interesting talk about how our spinal cord sends messages to the brain, and any block in the communication can be helped with realignment, and the paths of communication between the brain and nerves can be opened. Dr Dan lists the Flyers, Philadelphia Soul and The Eagles as clients in his practice.

During our reports phase of the meeting, many members announce opportunties to network and socailize outside the confines of the meeting room.  There are many ways to meet new people and make new friends.

Quote for the week: "Success comes before work only in the dictionary." Anonymous

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Scott Darling - Realtor

Scott Darling - Realtor
Letip Member Since March 1996
Vanguard Realty Alliance, LLC
1244 West Chester Pike #409, West Chester, PA 19382
Cell - 610-306-3313
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Is a move in your future? You or someone you know may want, or need, to move. Think about it. There are some very key times in people’s lives where moving is essential. These are what I like to call Life Changing Events. To help you better understand, here are a few Life Changing Events that one may encounter.

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"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."