Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Paradigm Financial Group, Inc
120 Arrandale Blvd. Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

LeTip Chester County East, the premier, referral networking group of Chester County, presented a “speed networking” event by dividing the attendees into rounds of 5. Each group of 5 listened intently as each member shared ideas on what kind of business they would like to get more of and how to increase the quantity/quality of qualified tips. Mary Kot of Executive Impressions (professional image consulting) joined in on the fun us as a 1st-time guest! Thanks to Scott Brown, of James Brown HVAC and Vice President of LeTip CCE, who organized the speed networking!

The following is a summary of our speakers’ presentations:

SPEAKERGreg Cazillo of @Cazillo (Website Design and SEO) and President of LeTip CCE

Greg provided an overview of LeTip International’s Website at http://www.letip.com/ and, specifically, the “Find a Member” section. Be sure to register your profile with International’s Website – or review your current profile to make sure it’s up-to-date! Also, Greg reviewed the sections of our local chapter Website at http://www.letipcce.com/, which was designed by and is managed by Greg.

QUALIFIED TIPS CIRCULATED:   19 tips total! (6 inside, 13 outside, 1 inter-chapter). Go Tippers!

TIP OF THE WEEK: (Although the focus here is about “employees,” the same concepts hold true for our fellow Tippers, i.e. our sales force…”YOU are the most powerful factor in employee/sales force motivation and morale.”) You Can Make Their Day: Ten Tips for the Leader About Employee Motivation - 4 Tips for the Leader About Employee Motivation  http://humanresources.about.com/od/motivationsucces3/a/lead_motivation.htm

MEETING ARCHIVE: For an archive of re-caps from past meetings, view www.LeTipCCE.com.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK“Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” By Dale Carnegie

Random Member!

Dennis C. Vondran Jr., Esquire - Wills & Estates Attorney

Dennis C. Vondran Jr., Esquire
Wills & Estates Attorney

Direct: 610.701.3277 | Main: 610.430.8000 | Fax: 610.692.0877
24 E. Market St. PO Box 565 West Chester, PA 19381
Contact Dennis

As an attorney with the law firm of Lamb McErlane, Dennis focuses his legal practice on Elder Law, Estate Planning, Estate Administration, Orphans’ Court Litigation, and Civil Litigation. In this capacity, Dennis provides knowledgeable legal representation which is rooted in efficiency and compassion to effectively address your legal needs.

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."