Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

It was a chilly morning but we quickly warmed up with the networking at LeTip Chester County East’s (CCE) weekly meeting on Tuesday. We had the pleasure of 3 guests! – Kristin Molavoque of MacElree Harvey (law offices), Kevin Morris of Muzak (Music, Marketing on Hold, Sound Systems), and Titus Detwiler with Melaleuca (Health and Welleness).

SPEAKERS: Our speakers were:  Jack Ansley of John Ansley Photography and Scott Darling of Re/Max Realtors.

1st Speaker:  Jack shared with us a beautiful slide presentation containing some of the many pet pictures he has photographed over the years. Some of the pictures were of just the dogs and some were of the pets with their owners. Amazing at how the pets resemble their owners! Jack is running a special for the month of February – 25% of anything spent at the studio will be donated to the Main Line Animal Rescue group. http://www.mlar.org/ A good referral is anyone who would like to have their pet professionally photographed.

2nd Speaker: Good leads for Scott D., our only residential realtor, include:  1. 1st time buyers (tax credit! - anyone who is engaged or about to be married); 2. move-up buyers (from townhouse to single-family home); 3. referrals (buyers or sellers, local or anywhere around the world); and 4. Anyone in financial difficulty and in a possible foreclosure situation (Scott is a Certified Distressed Property Expert and he can help!). Scott can also handle commercial realty requests through one of his business partners.

TIPS: At this week’s meeting we circulated 12 tips total! (6 inside and 6 outside tips). Go Tippers!

MEETING ARCHIVE: For an archive of re-caps from past meetings, view www.LeTipCCE.com.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK The future belongs to the risk takers, not the security seekers.  The more you seek security, the less of it you will have and the more you pursue opportunity, the more security you will achieve. By Brian Tracy

See you!

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Lonnie Cooper - Mortgages

Lonnie Cooper - Mortgages
V.P. Sales
The Rate Kings Mortgage, LLC

LeTip Member Since July 2013
1101 Carroll Hill Dr, West Chester, Pa 19382
610-572-3635 Voice
610-590-4825 Mobile
800-892-1798 Fax
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Mortgages Exton PAMortgages in PennsylvaniaRate Kings Home Mortgages

As a Mortgage Broker with The Rate Kings LLC, I can offer you a wide range of mortgage products, from helping you purchase your 1st home, refinance it years later or even purchase an investment property.   With access to a broad medley of fixed and adjustable loans I can help you make an educated choice based on your individual profile.

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."