Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

LeTip Chester County East (CCE) continues to move and shake, having voted in two new members today! Welcome to Nive Dhanak of JBND Tax Books which provides bookkeeping, tax and small business services; and Philip Koberg of Selective Tileworks which provides custom design and installation of natural stone and ceramic tile. We look forward to sending many qualified leads your way!

Our first speaker today was Teri West of Superior Mortgage, our only mortgage consultant. Teri has close to 14 years experience in the mortgage consulting business. She works with clients the old-fashioned way by providing personalized, one-on-one attention. Teri guarantees a smooth mortgage process and personally attends the closing with her clients. She also offers credit report counseling, a very important step to any prospective home buyer. Teri is interested in working with new home buyers or with homeowners who are interested in upgrading.

Our second speaker was Gary Siano of NEXT Financial, with Gary’s personal brand as Guided Wealth Management. Gary, who has over 25 years experience in financial planning services, is an independent agent through NEXT Financial which is the fastest growing supplier of independent providers. He is a Certified Financial Planner who provides services to a broad array of clients – from young married couples to retired individuals. He was recently named in an independent survey by Philadelphia Magazine as a “5-Star Wealth Manager” in the region.

Congratulations to everyone for an excellent tip count this week:  2 inter-chapter, 9 inside, and 13 outside tips. Great job everyone!


Mark Your Calendars!:

1.       Gary Siano has scheduled our next Lunch Bunch for Wednesday, October 28th at the Riverstone Café in Exton at 11:30am. Hope to see you there!

2.       Our next Quarterly Business Mixer will be held on December 8th. Our Mixer Chair, Craig Constable – our only Life, Health & Disability Insurance pro – will provide us with details soon.

Random Member!

Dave Kozak - Financial Advisor

Dave Kozak - Financial Advisor
Elite Collegiate Planning, LLC
Managing Partner at Paradigm Financial Group, Inc.

LeTip Member Since November 2013
1570 Conestoga Rd Chester Springs, PA 19425
Send Dave an Email

As the founder of Elite Collegiate Planning and a managing partner at Paradigm Financial Group, Inc., Dave Kozak works with hundreds of families across the country to redefine what money means to them.

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."