Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

LeTip Chester County East (CCE) had an exciting meeting at our new location at the Holiday Inn Express in Exton, PA. We also had two guests in attendance: Eric Greisiger of RBS Worldpay which handles credit card processing for businesses and Peter Clark of Rapid Recycling which specializes in the collection and sorting of all paper and cardboard waste products. Welcome guests! And congratulations to George Scherbak of Harvey Insurance Group who is an independent broker voted in as our newest member to cover the “Commercial and Personal Insurance” category. Welcome aboard George!

Our first speaker today was Dieter Enz, our only professional painter with SLCI. Dieter discussed the power of “P” in his business, beginning with Preparation. Dieter works closely with his customers to articulate their expectations and then Provides them with the most beautiful custom color or the most creative yet functional home remodeling design. His Personalized way-of-working and artistic attention-to-detail is what makes him Passionate about what he does. SLCI customers also have the Peace-of-mind to know they are fully insured, licensed and bonded Professionals. And Pride is key – for Dieter as the applicator and for the homeowner as the recipient of his beautiful work.

Scott Darling
, our only realtor with Re/Max, was our second speaker. Scott discussed the three “Ps” in real estate: 1. Put a sign in yard, 2. Put listing in MLS, and 3. Pray that it sells. What differentiates Scott is that he is a Proactive Listing Agent. For example, if a home is for sales in a certain development, he will send a “Just Listed” card to all the neighbors. The idea is that the neighbors may have a friend or family member who’s been wanting to move into that same neighborhood, so the “Just Listed” card prompts them to reach out to their friend or family member with Scott’s information. Scott also has about 14 Proactive Websites, which is especially important since 87% of people look on the Internet first for a home before contacting a realtor.

Qualified Sales Leads: Lots of tips this week - 4 inside, 8 outside, and 1 inter-chapter. Keep up the good work!

• Please be sure to mail out at least 5 “Join LeTip and get more business” postcards to prospective members. Some key categories we are looking to fill include: Accountant, Banker, Printer and Chiropractor. And be sure to write a personalized note on each!
• Visitations are due on October 13th. Please be prepared on Tuesday!
• We have changed meeting locations, effective immediately. We are now meeting at the Holiday Inn Express, 120 N. Pottstown Pike in Exton, PA (behind Cheeseburger in Paradise). Please be sure to notify your guests.

Random Member!

Lonnie Cooper - Mortgages

Lonnie Cooper - Mortgages
V.P. Sales
The Rate Kings Mortgage, LLC

LeTip Member Since July 2013
1101 Carroll Hill Dr, West Chester, Pa 19382
610-572-3635 Voice
610-590-4825 Mobile
800-892-1798 Fax
Send Lonnie an Email
NMLS #24432
Mortgages Exton PAMortgages in PennsylvaniaRate Kings Home Mortgages

As a Mortgage Broker with The Rate Kings LLC, I can offer you a wide range of mortgage products, from helping you purchase your 1st home, refinance it years later or even purchase an investment property.   With access to a broad medley of fixed and adjustable loans I can help you make an educated choice based on your individual profile.

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."