Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

Another great day at the Downingtown Country Club and the weekly LeTip Chester County East (CCE) meeting. We had a great showing on Tuesday, with all 16 members present along with another set of 3 guests.

Our guests included: Brandon Berger who recently joined LeTip member Mark Burkholder’s landscaping company as Sales Representative; Ron Carulli of Brandywine Graphic Associates which provides services in direct mail, print and graphic design – guest of LeTip member Susan Dykas, Computer Consultant; and Nancy Doane of Masterpiece Franimg, custom framer specialist and guest of LeTip member Scott Darling, Realtor extraordinaire. Welcome to all!

Two badges were presented today:  one white badge to our newest member - Patrick Grace of Patrick J. Grace Carpentry Inc., our general contractor and custom cabinet maker; and one green badge to Marco De Girolamo of Marco Electric and Master Electrician – for sponsoring Patrick as his first new member.

Congratulations to Scott Brown of James Brown Plumbing for being awarded the “Top Tipper” designation for the month of August, and to Mark Burkholder of Burkholder Brothers Landscaping for coming in second place.

***Reminder:  Our Quarterly Business Mixer will be held on Tuesday, September 22, from 7:30-9:00am. Each LeTip CCE member will have a table to “display their wares” and discuss what products or services you offer, while explaining why you joined LeTip and how it has benefited you/your business. Please be sure to follow-up with your invitees, and also work on your display materials and give-aways!***

Our Speakers today included:  Sue Bullock of Tuttle Marketing Services and promotional products specialist; and Mark Burkholder of Burkholder Brothers – landscaping, irrigation specialists and snow removal experts. Mark was accompanied by Brandon, the newest member of his team. Sue highlighted the ecommerce store offered by Tuttle Marketing, which services many local schools with this feature. Sue works with the organization to get their ecommerce site setup while also helping select and purchase the premium logo’d products to be displayed online. They also take care of fulfillment. Brandon discussed Burkholder’s proactive “Customer Relationship Management Process” which targets both commercial and residential properties, along with the company’s account management system to cater to clients’ needs. They can design, build and maintain any property.

Our Showboater today was Scott Darling of ReMax, our Unknow Greeter was Melanie Palubicki of Aflac, and our LeTip Drill was presented by Susan Dykas for Marco De Girolamo of Marco Electric and Master Electrician.

Gary Siano, our financial advisor from Next Financial Group, will provide us with the details for the next “Lunch Bunch “ or, should we say, “Happy Hour Bunch” – to be held on Thursday, September 17th. Please mark your calendars for now!

Random Member!

Nicholas Froio - Landscaping

Nicholas Froio
LeTip Member Since March 2019
Froio's Lawn & Landscape
P.O. Box 5282
West Chester PA, 19380, United States
Send Nick an Email

Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."