Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Paradigm Financial Group, Inc
120 Arrandale Blvd. Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

Le Tip Le News

Lonnie Cooper from the Rate Kings Mortgage of West Chester is our newest member and graced the LeTip CCE group with an informative talk about the mortgage lending process. The process of applying for a mortgage can be simplified with an educated and professional representative.  Lonnie's frank and down to earth talk explained that information gathered at the beginning of a lending process will tell him and the client just what they are getting into. His expertise will reveal the red and yellow flags that an underwriter will look for, as he walks his clients through the process. Getting a loan for a new house, re-fi, or obtaining anything with the word "mortgage" is in the proficient hands of Lonnie and the Rate Kings.  Rated as one of the top  mortgage companies in the country.

Can you imagine spending 90 minutes on a Tuesday morning could change your whole business? Join us for a meeting and see how a fun group of people can put dollars in your pocket.  

Formula for success: rise early, work hard, strike oil.  -J. Paul Getty

Each week a member  gets to have ten minutes to speak about their business, explain goals that they may have, and how they want to move their business forward.  It is a wonderful opportunity to hone public speaking skills in a familiar environment, and also to inform the members to become their own personal sales force.

Kim Delaney, Penn Liberty Bank, spoke about the future of banking in an electronic age. The days of taking time to go to the bank may be over.  A good bank will recognize the need for off hour banking through the internet and mobile devices.  Penn Liberty is very sensitive to the needs of their clients.  Kim explained the "Check 21" government guidelines for banks to follow, allowing freedom of cash checking through fast return on checks, quicker money in the hands of businesses, and security procedures when taking images of checks. Penn Liberty also honors any checks drawn on their bank for processing, whether one has an account or not.   Nice......  The future of banking is within the customer service at Penn Liberty.

Jen Maggiore, of Fitness for Women, is a certified  holistic health coach specializing in weight management.  She spoke on Tuesday about the biggest block to any diet---sugar.  Very sobering to know that most people consume Five ponds of sugar each week! Jen coaches anyone who would like to become healthier, and manage their weight naturally, with real foods.  She educates her clients on how to read labels, how to shop properly and how to make meals to fit into one's individual lifestyle.  Using a "taking small bites for big results" approach, and slowly changing ones habits, her program is a success!

LeTip CCE has category openings for you!  Why not learn how to grow your business, and put more dollars into your pocket?  Time tested and proven networking results, LeTip CCE works hard as your sales force to get you to the top of your game!

Quote of the week:
If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
Jim Rohn

there is life after Tax Day. The majority of the members of LeTip Chester County East met for the weekly breakfast, even our accountant, Don Meyer from JBND Tax Books (www.jbndtaxbooks.com). In fact, several members personally expressed their gratitude for his assistance with their 2012 tax returns and gave testimonials to recommend his accounting services to the rest of the group.
The meeting began with our speaker of the week, Greg Cazillo, our chapter's web designer (www.cazillo.com). Greg showed us some "before and after" website designs to help us see how he can improve site navigation and help people who visit the site to easily find what they are looking for. First, potential customers need to find our websites, and Greg reminded us of the importance of continuing to feed fresh content into our sites in order to rank higher in web searches. Once someone finds us, our websites could have great information about products or services, but if it's too difficult for site visitors to find the information they want, they'll give up and take their business somewhere else. Greg is highly skilled in creating websites that are "findable" and easy to use. This is what we want, so that visitors will stay, read, click, and connect with us.
Since April 16 was the third Tuesday of the month, we also heard visitation reports from many members of the group. The better we know each other and can speak about what everyone does, the easier it is to Tip each other and find ways to help grow all of our businesses. We can put "Dollars in our Pockets" and also feel good about helping each other.
Quote for the week: "No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it" (H.E. Luccock).

Our LeTip business year runs from April through March, so the April 2 meeting was the first one of our new year. We welcomed both new and returning board members and chairpersons. Here is the list:
President - Scott Brown (plumbing, heating, and air conditioning contractor)
Vice President - Bridget Hanley (picture framer)
Secretary - Scott Silberman (landscape contractor)
Treasurer - Dieter Enz (painting contractor)
Tip Master - Scott Darling (realtor)
Mentor/Membership Chair - Sue Scales (massage therapist)
Past President, Board Member at Large, Website Coordinator, and Inspector - Greg Cazillo (website designer)
Ethics Chairperson and Program Director - Jack Ansley (portrait photographer)
Seminar Director - Martin Ritter (general contractor)
Sergeant-at-Arms - Ron Gamble (property and casualty insurance)
Visitation Chairperson - Jackie Waice (chiropractor)
Lunch Bunch Chairperson - Veronica Henson (promotional products)
Publicity Coordinators - Scott Brown and Greg Cazillo
Please approach anyone on this list to let us know how you would like to be more involved in our LeTip chapter
Our April 2 meeting began with our speaker of the week, Scott Brown from James Brown Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning. He showed us the small air quality monitor that his company uses in both homes and businesses to measure temperature, humidity, pollutants, and other conditions of the air inside a building. We viewed several pages of a report that Scott's company had performed for a local business, using graphs, charts, and colors to help illuminate the critical issues and recommended actions to make the air more comfortable and healthier to breathe. Any home or business could benefit from the detailed information provided by this report. The monitoring and reporting are free, and Scott would be happy to schedule this service (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
LeTip Chester County East voted on a new member, and we welcome Jen Maggiore of Fitness for Women (www.fitness4women.org). Jen will be the health and wellness coach for our chapter, and she looks forward to helping individuals eat well in a way that works best for their own body and schedule. It is possible to be well, even with a busy life, and Jen can help you navigate through lifestyle changes that can make you healthier and happier. She offers a free consultation to help you get started and to see how health coaching can work for you. Please contact Jen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We selected the names for which of our fellow members we would visit during April. For the complete list, check our chapter's website (www.letipcce.com). We will give our visitation reports on the third Tuesday of the month, which will be April 16, 2013. And remember, especially if you are a newer member, feel free to visit additional group members. The more we know each other, the better we will be able to find business for one another and put those Dollars in our Pockets!
Quote for the week: "To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity" (Douglas Adams). Make it a great week!

Random Member!

Scott Brown - HVAC

Scott Brown  James Brown Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC
Past President
LeTip Member Since February 2009
1109 Bent Oak Trail
West Chester PA 19380
610-873-0622 - phone
610-873-0621 - fax
Send Scott an email
PA HIC #013487
Scott Brown LinkedinScott Brown on TwitterJames Brown HVAC on YelpChester County Heating an Cooling Company

Scott Brown has been providing James Brown Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC and it’s customers with environmentally friendly and alternative comfort systems for over ten years.

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."