Time & Location

Time & Date:
Every Tuesday from 7am until 8:31am

Boy Scouts of America Building
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
Click here for the map

Le Tip Le News

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Our portrait photographer, Jack Ansley (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), provided some samples of his work for the showboat. He has thousands of photos on file that he has taken, many in Chester County including Valley Forge Park. These lovely photos could be printed and framed to beautify local businesses or homes. The sample he showed us from Valley Forge was printed on a type of paper that does not need to be covered by glass, so the print itself can be dusted at the same time as the frame.

Our speaker was our heating and air conditioning specialist, Scott Brown (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). We've had plenty of cold weather, but air conditioning season is coming soon. Scott has a survey that he can fill out with you to assess how your cooling system can be improved. There are plenty of upgrades as well as maintenance items that he can address for your central air system. Not interested in central air conditioning? He can install wall units in the rooms you most want to cool--no lugging window units in and out every season!

Our next meeting will be on April 1, 2014, which will begin LeTip's new fiscal year. See you then!

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, March 18, 2014. We were greeted at the door by Gary Hunter (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), our carpenter contractor from Hunter Custom Carpentry.

Our speaker for the morning was David Schreier, the tree care specialist from 4 Seasons Arborscapes (www.4seasonsarborscapes.com). His company specializes in pruning and caring for established trees as well as removal of diseased trees that cannot be saved. They don't perform land-clearing or tree planting. 4 Seasons Arborscapes has five full-time employees, and they will add additional trusted climbers to the team when necessary. Both co-owners are present to make every estimate and to work on every job.

Greg Cazillo (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) did the showboating. He displayed several websites that he has worked on. He also let us know that there are scammers who will send out letters to tell you to renew your domain name with them, but they are not actually your provider. Greg assured us that legitimate domain providers will not send you a letter but will e-mail you instead. Please make sure that your actual provider has your correct e-mail address, and disregard messages that arrive via postal mail.

LeTip Chester County East met on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Our showboater was David Schreier, our tree specialist from 4 Seasons Arborscapes (www.4seasonsarborscapes.com). David showed us several pieces of equipment that he uses to climb trees and prune them. He assured us that safety and security are very important in tree work. We look forward to hearing David speak at our next meeting.

The speaker for the morning was Dr. Joe Zappy, our chiropractor from The Wellness Center of Chester County (www.WCofCC.com). Joe told us that a chiropractor is a neuromuscular and skeletal specialist. He works not just with the spine but with any joint in the body. Chiropractic care is generally considered by medical insuranca companies to be a type of specialist visit. Joe will perform a full exam at a patient's first visit in order to arrive at a diagnosis. The care that he provides to treat the diagnosis will be conservative and not medication-based. His personal model of care is based on movement--getting his patient's bodies to move the way they are supposed to. Anyone who mentions, "My  ---body part---   is bothering me" would benefit from visiting Joe for a chiropractic assessment and care.

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 18, and will include our visitation reports for the month of March.

LeTip met again on Tuesday, March 4. Our Showboater was Scott Brown, our heating and air conditioning specialist (www.jamesbrownphac.com). Scott is already thinking about warmer weather and the need for home cooling systems, including the new high velocity air conditioning systems. The best time to think about home cooling is before the weather gets hot, so contact Scott for service or installation needs.

Our speaker was Jack Ansley, our portrait photographer (www.ansleyphoto.com). Jack will take a picture of "anything with a face," whether it's an individual person, a family, or a pet. Portraits capture a moment in time for posterity. With digital photography, Jack can produce true white tones, and prints use pigment inks that won't fade over time like the previous dye-based inks would. He keeps the digital photo files and can reprint pictures at any time. Jack can also restore and/or colorize older photographs. He can make reproductions of photos or prints, even changing the size of the document or picture. And of course he can make prints of any or all of the photos that are on our cell phones; a simple e-mail gets the picture to Jack, and he can make a print to your specifications.

LeTip met on February 25, 2014, after a week off due to snow. We did not have a Showboater at the meeting, but our speaker was massage therapist Sue Scales from Hands Down Massage & Bodywork (www.handsdown.abmp.com). She talked with the group about muscles. Even our muscles that perform opposite functions (for example, bending and straightening the elbow) are meant to work together and be in balance. Nobody is using their muscles in a completely balanced way, so we need massage to help regain balance. When we are out of balance, we can experience pain and postural problems. It's better to pursue massage therapy before getting to the pain stage.

Random Member!

Bob Latta - General Contractor

Bob Latta - General Contractor
Latta Kennedy Builders
LeTip Member since August 2015
PO Box 235, Chester Springs PA 19425
Contact Bob

Bob Latta brings more than 20 years of home building experience to Latta Kennedy Builders, his Chester Springs building and remodeling partnership with Dave Kennedy. Their expertise in all facets of construction from carpentry to electric to plumbing assures that your remodeling project or full home build will delight you. Bob’s hands-on involvement with every project ensures impeccable quality, timely installation and an overall positive experience for clients.

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Letip Creed

"LeTip is a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of competence and service. Our purpose is the exchange of business Tips. Members will, at all times, maintain the highest professional integrity. Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are disallowed."